Taste the power of healthy rehydration
0 sugars and
0 calories
Help boost
immune system
8 ions to boost
your recovery
fruity taste
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12 units
21.3 FL Oz

12 units
21.3 FL Oz

12 units
21.3 FL Oz

12 units
21.3 FL Oz

12 units
21.3 FL Oz

12 units
21.3 FL Oz
Our 8 ions and their benefits
Supports healthy bones
Helps balance body fluids
Supports muscle function
Aids digestion
Promotes protein synthesis
Assists the inmune system
Valuable for physical performance
Helps to promote fast fluid recovery
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What are “Ions”?
An “Ion” is an atom or molecule that carries an electrical charge when dissolved in water. This charge is based on the balance of electrons and protons in the Ion. A “cation” is a positively charged ion (with fewer electrons than protons), and an “anion” is negatively charged (with more electrons than protons). These so-called “ionic states” are perfectly natural and healthy – especially in our cells, tissues, organs and bodily fluids such as blood.
Why are Ions important to the body?
The presence of Ions in the human body is natural & healthy. In fact, Ions are essential to life! New Suerox® has 8 Ions, all important for a healthy body.
To start, we will mention just one of these Ions: Zinc (Zn 2+ ). Zinc is often referred to as a “Essential Trace Element”. Our bodies do not need high quantities of this element, but it is still very important even at low levels of a few milligrams (mg). Here are some of the roles this important Ion plays in our bodies:
*Supports the immune system
*Supports cell division and cell growth
*Supports the synthesis of proteins and enzymes
Two of the other Ions in Suerox® are Lactate and Citrate.
What are Electrolytes?
Among the many types of Ions in the human body, there are a select few that are generally referred to as “Electrolytes”. Together, these Electrolytes have unique and vital roles to play in our bodies. New Suerox® has 5 Electrolytes: Calcium (also written as Ca 2+ ), Chloride (Cl 1- ), Potassium (K 1+ ), Magnesium (Mg 2+ ), and Sodium (Na 2+ ).
Why are Electrolytes important to the body?
Electrolytes support for the healthy growth and functioning of all of our organs and tissues. Among their many important roles, Electrolytes help to:
*Support healthy bodily fluid levels
*Support healthy osmotic pressure of cells and tissues
*Support function of nerve cells
*Support healthy bones and muscles
Your body can lose Electrolytes and Ions, not only by normal daily metabolism, but also by sweating during exercise and physical activity. New Suerox® with 8 Ions is a great tasting, zero calorie & zero sugar solution to help your body recover from lost fluids and minerals – for Everyday Sugarless Hydration.
Is Suerox® an “isotonic” beverage?
No, Suerox® cannot claim to be an “isotonic” beverage. In fact, no mass-marketed bottled drink can truthfully claim to be isotonic. According to established medical definitions, an isotonic solution has the same salt concentration as cells and blood. The US Food & Drug Administration has approved very precise compositions of isotonic solutions that are regulated as prescription drugs and administered intravenously to people with very serious and specific medical needs. Beverages sold in stores to consumer do not meet this strict definition of isotonic. So, when you see this term associated with a mass-marketed beverage, please realize it might just be used as an incorrect and misleading sales gimmick.
How is Suerox® different than other sports drink & enhanced waters in the market?
There are a wide variety of sports drinks and enhanced bottled waters in the US market. These drinks differ greatly in such properties as flavor, sugar level (full sugar, reduced sugar, low sugar), types of Ions & Electrolytes and the levels of Ions & Electrolytes. But New Suerox® is different from all of these. It is available in 7 delicious flavors with a satisfying smooth texture, zero sugar and a unique blend of 8 important Ions – for Everyday Sugarless Hydration!
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